School Donations

School Donations are set at $310 per child and $225 for a second child. The exact amount to be paid in subject contributions varies depending on the subjects a child studies and the various activities and trips in which they are involved.

If you have any queries about school donations, please contact us on fees@hnhs.school.nz

Account Payment

Accounts are sent to parents twice per term. Payments may be made at the school Student Centre located in the main administration area either in one transaction or throughout the year. Should you wish to pay by regular direct credits our bank details are:

ANZ a/c 06-0765-0037008-00


PTA Donation

There is a PTA fund-raising donation of $25.00 per child, collected by the school on behalf of the HNHS PTA. This donation takes the place of school fund-raising activities such as raffles, sweet selling etc. Browse the PTA page to find out more about the Havelock North High School Parent/Teacher Association.